Dear Friends,

Your next-door neighbor, the checker at the grocery store, an aunt or cousin – at some point in our lives, most of us will know and love someone with an intellectual or developmental disability (disability).
That’s why Easterseals Midwest is there at every stage of life, helping individuals with disabilities lead independent, meaningful lives.

Through our dedicated workforce and generous donors, we saw tremendous support in 2019. With that support, we continued to move forward to expand our reach, striving to always do more.

In 2019, we led a dedicated and growing group of advocates as they raised their voices and educated our leaders in Jefferson City. We advocated for change and made our voices heard. Thanks to those efforts, we helped secure the largest increase in public funding in the last 10 years. We will continue to fight and advocate for the individuals we serve and the dedicated workforce who provide life-changing support each and every day.

As you read this report on our activities in 2019, we hope you celebrate these accomplishments with us. You, the passionate and driven members of our community, are the ones who make everything we do possible. Our sincerest thanks go out to everyone who has given their time, money, and spirit to make our mission possible.

Together, we truly are changing the way the world views and defines disability.

We look forward to our continued growth and impact in this new century of service.

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